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  • There is a 30-probation period when moving in: Where in the first 30 days there will be a curfew of 11pm Monday through Thursday and on the weekends Friday through Sunday it will be 12am. There will be no overnight stays, either staying out overnight or having an overnight guest. If in the first 30 days there is any suspicion of using drugs or alcohol, criminal and/or active addiction behavior, or physical violence there will be no UA or breathalyzers and no chances in the first 30 days; we will have to separate you from R and R housing. 

  • After the probation period: The curfew will move to 12am during the week and 1am on the weekends. You will be allowed 3 overnights a week only, unless cleared with management. You may either have an overnight guest stay with you or you can stay out but they cannot be consecutive (in a row). Thereafter, any suspicion of using or any other behavior issues will be addressed by management and could result in being put on a behavioral contract and/or subject to a urinalysis or breathalyzer. 

  • Behavioral Contract is a 30-day contract that can be applied when signs of behavior is concerning and if a test is given and results are negative for using you may still be subject to a contract. The contract is not to punish any individual it is to help someone get back on track. The contract will be set back to the regulations in the first 30-day probation period of the curfew and no overnight stays. Also, meetings may be added to the contract to help get the person back on track. And if the contract is not up held then the person will be expelled from R and R. 

Contracts: Welcome
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